Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why my Husky boy is the Best dog

Two of us living in the flat, two friends sharing everything.
Me and him (my little bear Baloo).

I called him Baloo because of a lovely bear from the Jungle book. 

As any owner, I love my dog with all my heart, and, of cause, I have some reasons to consider him the best dog! 

1. First of all, obviously, he is handsome! 
He is such a popular boy in the neighbourhood ;)

That's how he hits on girls: 
"Hey, baby, hey"

And, believe me, it works! ;) 

2. He loves me! 
I feel so connected to him and we really understand each other... 

Except some unpleasant moments like, let's say, spoiling 3 pairs of my shoes. 
Well, in the end, that are just little unimportant things in comparison to happiness he brings me, right! 
Damn, I really loved those shoes... 

Moving on... 

3. No morning cryies:
"Bringe me down for a walk"

Sleeping until 12 in the afternoon and still being lazy to leave the bed? 
Yup, that's my dog! 

Little bonus: manual from Baloo how to sleep comfortably

Or maybe it's manual how to dance buggy...

4. He is super curios! 
Wherever we go, whatever we do, this dog is just so curious about everything that is going on around! 

"Show me what you've got there?"

"Hmmm, let's check what's under this bed!"

"Look to the right, look to the left... 

Anything interesting going on here?"

5. He is a dog-trasformer;
He can transform from a dog to cyborg! 

6. He is cute! 

I mean, he really is impossibly cute! 

Especially, when he hides under the curtains: 

8. He is a smart boy and he loves trainings! 

Or maybe he just loves to get treats... 

9. To me, he is not just a dog
he is some kind of a superhero dog, who's mission is to bring laugh, love and happiness in my life!